Tuesday, April 15, 2008

Wicked (Continued) and NEWS!

Okay...almost a month later and I haven't edited that post... So I decided to put all the stuff that happened in the past month and the Wicked stuff all in one post.

So randomly during/before spring break, I decided I'd splurge on good Wicked tickets. I asked a few friends that I knew were going to be around at the time if they wanted to come with, and Aaron and Henry decided they'd come see it. With my not so amazing organizational skills, we didn't have tickets the day we planned on seeing the show, but luckily they had some orchestra level seats left. The seats were limited viewing, meaning we missed out on a corner of the stage, but they were still worth the $72 that we each spent. Anyways, the pit was awesome (even though it was half keyboards...), the story was awesome, the acting was awesome (still laughing about GA-Linda with a Ga...). It was pretty much everything I thought it'd be.

So, the news...
I'm going to take a year off from college 1. to kind of smack myself for not taking this year as seriously as I should have and 2. to practice and prepare for auditions. That's right... Auditions. Jay's going to be a mooooooooosic major. After being in the UIC orchestra for almost 2 months, it finally hit me that music is what keeps me going. I mean, I knew that music was a large part of my life (as you guys read in my first post), but I guess I thought I would be able to give up a part of that for the extra money in the business world. So...yea... Back to practicing 4 hours a day. Don't think I've done that in 5 years. This should be fun.


2waymonologues said...

It's funny, because a little//big part of me
still wants to do music
I just try not to think about it.

gosh you're paying for ALL your tuition. by yourself. kudos. I can barely do loans. ugh. need sleep.

anyways, good luck with everything!


Andy said...

congrats on the decision, dude... it was definitely the right one:)